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White and Orange Belt
What martial art am I studying?
5 Moo Do Values (7:47)
Reference Materials
White Belt
10th Gup to 9th Gup Requirements
Front Stance - Chun Gul Jaseh (13:08)
Soo Gi - Hand Techniques (26:40)
Warm Up For Kicks (5:24)
Front Kick (11:26)
Additional Kicking Videos
Introduction to the Basic Forms
Ki Cho Hyung Il Bu (0:50)
Ki Cho Hyung Il Bu Tips (5:39)
Acquire Federation Membership
Evaluation to 9th Gup (0:26)
White Belt w/ One Stripe
9th to 8th Gup Requirements
Intro to Waist Twisting (31:06)
Soo Gi - Hand Techniques (19:01)
Roundhouse Kick (8:23)
Additional Kicking Videos
Ki Cho Hyung Il Bu Review (13:16)
Ki Cho Hyung E Bu (1:00)
Ki Cho Hyung E Bu Walkthrough (2:23)
Evaluation to 8th Gup (0:26)
Orange Belt
8th Gup to 7th Gup Requirements
Back Stance (2:56)
Soo Gi - Hand Techniques (25:46)
Stretch and Crescent Kicks (11:54)
Ki Cho Hyung E Bu Review (6:23)
Ki Cho Hyung Sam Bu (1:04)
Ki Cho Hyung Sam Bu Tips (4:58)
Kyuk Pa - Breaking (10:54)
Evaluation to 7th Gup (0:26)
Reference Materials
Orange Belt w/ One Stripe
7th Gup to 6th Gup Requirements
Soo Gi - Hand Techniques (14:51)
Side Kick (8:27)
Ki Cho Hyung Sam Bu Review (10:18)
Pyung Ahn Cho Dan (0:51)
Pyung Ahn Cho Dan Walkthrough (7:58)
One Steps (2:24)
Cross Wrist Grabs 1-2 and Intro (2:09)
Kyuk Pa - Breaking (13:48)
Evaluation to 6th Gup (1:22)
Green Belt
Pre-Recorded Classes
Striking Targets
Kicking Targets
Leg Warmup and Stretching
Teach online with
Soo Gi - Hand Techniques
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